While driving our car into work one day, a cyclist hit Tom. The cyclist was so mad about it (blaming Tom, even though Tom was stopped at a light and the cyclist ran into him) that he slammed his fist down on our side mirror breaking it. Had the guy used his backpedal, perhaps he could have avoided the incident and we would still have our mirror. Of course, hHindsight is 20/20, but the backpedal is not something to be ignored. Even if this guy had backpedaled after hitting Tom and seen the error of his ways, I'm sure they could have spoken cordially to one another before going on their way. However, this guy was so angry that he broke the mirror, screamed at Tom and then kept biking. No backpedal used, either literally or figuratively. Over Christmas Sean and I had some conflicting moments. Not that it's surprising. He's two and a half, it's the holidays, we were traveling across the country to St. Louis, it makes sense that there would b...