Those are our kids
Today I made the worst mistake of my life. That's dramatic, but those were the exact words going through my head earlier. If I can be criticized for something, it would be that I believe myself to be Super Mom. I believe that I can do most anything with my kids in tow. I take them both to the grocery store, to doctor appointments (theirs and mine), to vote this past November, and both to the car dealership today. Note to self: Super Mom should not take her kids to the car dealership. It was a necessary thing - we needed to get the oil changed and the airbag light on the dashboard had been glaring red at me for weeks. I have the car most days, so it followed that I was the logical person to go. It was not, however, logical to take the kids. Make no mistake, we are all still alive, but only barely. The mechanics had no more 90-minutes-you-wait-we-get-your-car-done appointments. So I was left with the option of dropping the car ...