Department of Corrections
I made a prison break tonight. Crazy because usually the ones to break out of prison are the prisoners, but here instead, I abandoned my role as Corrections Officer and headed for a coffee shop. Why? Because I can begin to feel trapped in my role as CO of the Bushlack household. This comes in the form of constantly reminding (sometimes nagging, sometimes yelling at) the kids to do what I've requested. For example: me: No, you may not play by the toilet. Sean: We are just pretending to use the toilet. me: Yes, but you're still playing with the toilet, and now you need to wash your hands. OR me: Audrey and Sean, stop wrestling on the stairs. OR me: Audrey, take that box off your head if you're going to walk up and down the stairs. OR me: Please do not use that fork to comb your hair. Audrey: (grinning while lacing her blonde hair with peanut butter) I use it 'cuz I a silly girl. me: Right, and still I don't want you to use the fork in your ...