Truth truce
Last night my neighbor, whom I think the world of, said this to me, and I'm 8.5 months pregnant: Steve: Now I don't mean for this to sound.... me: Oh, God, here we go... Nervous laughter was shared by the group of us gathered for dinner. Steve: Well, I see you all the time, but for some reason, just now you are looking really pregnant . I laughed. Because he's right: I do look really pregnant. However, this is not something to say to me while I'm feeling large and in charge, as evidenced by the look on my husband's face when Steve said this. Tom started slicing his pointer finger across his throat, eyes wide, panic setting in. Tom: Steve, Steve, stop now. I have to deal with the fall out later. This post is not inspired by Steve's words, but rather they're the nail in the coffin. I started this post a week or so ago, and Steve just pushed it to the top of my list. I give you a trip down memory lane: things that have been said to me while...