Moving a piano: it's not brain surgery
If ever you think you might pick up a piano in Chicago and drive it across two state lines back to Minnesota, I've compiled some helpful hints for your trip. To quote my sister, Mary Kate, "Easy as pie. Nothing to it." 1. Rent a cargo van. 2. Silence questions about how you will get piano hoisted into cargo van. Tell these detail-seeking questioners that "I can not be bothered with the details! I am holding a vision!" 3. Drive to Chicago. 4. Stop in Wisconsin for gas and find a coffee shop. 5. If you worry about finding a place with fresh food, good coffee, essential oils, and homemade hemp-purses, just look for the VW van cut in half and plastered to the side wall of said coffee shop . It acts as the drive-thru window, and it's a beacon of originality in a sea of Wisconsin cheese houses. 6. Take note that they are Cheese HAUS's not HOUSE's. 7. Upon arriving in Chicago, reserve two hours to get through the god-awful traffic. 8. When trying ...