Perspective on gender tropes from 5 year olds
Because we live in St. Louis, my kids are growing up in close proximity to their cousins. They are roughly around the same age, and they are all in the same grade level at the same school. It's pretty idyllic. The second grade teacher this past year told me that my daughter and nephew often function like twins in the classroom - both the familiarity and comfort, and then sometimes the desire to break away from that familiar person to do their own thing. As luck and genetics would have it, for each child I have, my brother and sister-in-law have the same age child, but of a different gender or sex. I see gender as a socially constructed reality, and I see where stereotypes about the differences between men and women come from. I don't see anything wrong with naming the ways boys are different from girls. Part biology, part genetics, part nature, part nurture, there are millions of reasons why our kids display the personalities and talents they do. However, I do think it's ...