Screen time benefits
I balk at screen time for my children. This is my membership card to parenthood: television disdain. Don't get me wrong, I personally love the tv, love binge watching shows, and we have a standing tradition of Friday as Family Movie Night. But the kids can get so locked in to only wanting the tv, that we had to draw a line. Prior to quarantine we had a rule in our house: no screen time on school days. Get your homework done, practice your instrument, play outside with friends. Now in the time of Coronavirus where screens provide the distance learning? There's no attendance at a school building on screen days. Things have really gone south. One day during quarantine, the kids wanted to watch tv. This day was feeling exactly the same as the last 27 days - a blur of days running together. But since it was Earth Day, I was feeling generous and earthy, so I told them they could watch the Jane Goodall documentary mid-afternoon. The mere mention of possible screen time was enough t...